Tuesday, January 08, 2013

bersyukur lah Fatin.

just a short entry for today. sangat tersentuh tgk gmbar ni. 

Bila kita rasa susah, sentiasalah ingat ada lagi yang lebih susah dari kita.
Bila kita rasa sakit, sentiasalah ingat ada lagi yang lebih sakit dari kita.
Bila kita rasa kenyang sangat makan itu makan ini, sentiasalah ingat yang di luar sana tu masih ada saudara kita yang sedang berperang dengan kelaparan.

Kita makan selalu tak habis, orang lain ada yang sampai kurus kering tak makan apa-apa sebab tak mampu nak beli makanan.. =(     

## CP from jom berdakwah di Facebook. sgt berguna untuk mengingati diri yg sentiasa lupe, alpa n selalu tidak bersyukur dengan nikmat yang Allah berikan. 

#bersyukurlah Fatin.

Monday, December 31, 2012

How did Mendel control the reproduction of pea plant?

Assalamualaikum n hi !

Just want to share something that I've found from the internet.

you can click on the picture to make it larger :)

This is about the question yang pernah keluar for my mid semester examination. I've google it so many times. But, what I've found is about the crossing part. This is actually that I wanna know. And, Alhamdulillah finally I've found it.

So, how did Mendel control the reproduction of the pea plant?

In pea plant, the female and male sexual organs are in the same flower. So, it can undergoes self-fertilisation. So, in order to avoid self-fertilisation of the pea plant, Mendel removed the stamens from flower bud before their anthers produced any mature pollen.

(I just rewrite the things in the picture above)

***  The main methods that Mendel used are cross-fertilisation (hybridisation) and artificial fertilisation. To prevent self-fertilisation, Mendel remove the anthers from the female parents before the plants produce mature pollen. He then transfer the pollen with a paintbrush from the anthers of the male parent to the stigma of the female parent. (this is hoe Mendel control the fertilisation in the pea plants. And this is the answer for the Mid Semester Question)

I've found this information here.

It's actually an animation. It's fun to watch and easily to understand.
## punye laaa tebal buku iGenetics yg aku beli. tp tak de pon yang cerita sal ni. dah la masuk exam. tu laaaa. mase spm dulu x nak belajar betol2. kite dh belajar kan bende ni mase spm?? err.. ke mase asasi ea?? kn dah lupe. adoi.. Fatin...Fatin.. :P

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

wetlands :)


Q: boleh x terangkan simplest way to distinguish these 4 types of wetlands. adakah kat malaysia ni hanya ade swamp?

A: Four major category of wetland
1. A swamp is a wetland that is forested with woody plants. The water of a swamp may be fresh water, brackish water, or seawater. Examples in the file attachment.
2. A marsh is a type of wetland that is dominated by herbaceous plants. Example in the file attachment.
3. A fen is one of the four main types of wetland, and is usually fed by mineral-rich surface water or groundwater Fens are characterized by their water chemistry, which is neutral or alkaline, with relatively high dissolved mineral levels but few other plant nutrients. Grasses and sedges usually dominate them. No example in Malaysia.
Low-lying wetland with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water.
4. Bogs, which are acidic, low in minerals, and usually dominated by sedges and shrubs, along with abundant mosses; wetland ecosystem characterized by wet, spongy, poorly drained peaty soil found on upland with cool temperature

Links to wetlands: (pls have a look)





tq prof for the answer. really appreciate it. 

#barulah nmpak perbezaan antara 4 types of wetlands tu. punye lah sy google sal bnde ni semalam, tp satu pun tak paham. tp bile prof yg terangkan, err. senang jer masyuk. baru faham. 1 more time, thanks prof.